So this week has been the, wash/rinse/repeat! :D We were going to go to the Science Center today after swimming lessons, but I threw my back out last night and it's still bothering me, so I didn't want to spend the afternoon walking around on it....I was diagnosed with some herniated discs a few years ago, so sometimes the back just bothers me. It STINKS getting old! I'm TOTALLY feeling it today! Plus, next weekend, Nanny and PawPaw will be visiting, and the kids decided it'd be more fun to go to the science center with them here. so that's the plan for next weekend......I'm having gallbladder surgery on Friday, so hopefully I'll feel like walking around by Sunday. I can bounce back that fast, right? We'll see! :D
I did get a few layouts done this week (I know, SHOCKING, isn't it?), so I'll just post those and head off to bed. I'm posting tonight vs. tomorrow because tomorrow we're meeting up with some friends of Karl's....he's going shooting with the guys, and us girls are going to digi-scrap...actually, I'm going to be teaching her HOW to digiscrap.....hopefully that goes okay! It's always nice to bring all those paper-schmaper scrappers into the digital age, kwim? :D Right Sarah? RIGHT! So that's about it for me for now....I really don't have anything cool that happened this week to talk about that I can think of.........I do vaguely remember looking out the front door one day and seeing 2 nekkid boy tushies as the older (Matthew) was trying to teach ther younger (Zach) how to pee in the grass. Yeah, having boys can be a real trip sometimes! When it gets warm, Matthew sees NO NEED to come and use the indoor facilities, kwim? And no (yeah, I'm kinda surprised too) I didn't take pictures of it. I have NO doubts it'll happen again.....and I'll grab the camera that time. :D
So anyways....pages to post:
First up, my only plug for this post.....Vicki's got a new kit coming out in her store tomorrow called "Flutterby Flowers".....that name just cracks me up. And the instant I saw it....well DUH, I just had to scrap this:

This is Minnie's Butterfly Garden that they set up at Epcot for the Flower and Garden Festival that was going on while we were there. All the flowers they had growing all over the place made me feel pretty inadequate, as I can't seem to grow much more than a few impatients in baskets out on the porch! :D
Next up....the last of the Easter's the kids coloring eggs:

And all of us on Easter Sunday dressed up..........

you can kinda see it in the family picture (if you're looking), but the security tag on Alaina's dress is still on it! Grrrrr......I sent hubby back to Macy's Monday to get it taken off for the next time she wears it and he told them she wore it to church like that and they gave us a full refund 'cuz they felt so bad she had a security tag hanging off her dress for Easter Sunday! COOL! I should distract the saleslady the next time I buy a dress so she leaves the tag on, kwim? :D but yay for Macy's!!! Nice customer service there!
And here's the kids' Easter baskets (and the lamb cake I slaved over)

And since that caught me up with regular life stuff....I went back to our vacations to do a few's a couple from our cruise back at Christmas:
Us playing mini-golf up on the top deck of the ship.....and yes, Matthew is wearing reindeer ears...they made them at Camp Carnival (for any parents that go on cruises, we just LOVE Camp Carnival, don't we? yes, we do!)

Here's me and Karl on the first formal night.....It's always nice to get a picture of just the 2 of us sometimes:

And the second formal night....not AS formal as the first formal night.....and Karl and the kids were all pretty sick of pictures by this point, but I made them cooperate for this one shot!!!

And here's a few from our Disney World trip:
Meeting Tinkerbell:

And Rosetta:

and Silvermist:

and Belle:

And my blessing for the week......since Karl's birthday is Monday, he's my blessing for the week:

journaling: Karl is my best friend in the world. He knows me like nobody else does. He knows how to make me laugh when I really need to. He’s one of the most intelligent people I know and we love to sit and argue over nerdy-ambiguous things like the existence of black holes or time travel. He shares my love for traveling places, and together we’ve been all over the place and had a great time. Karl’s the best father I could have ever asked for. He loves playing around with the kids and knows how to get them to listen when I can’t He always tries to make my life easier by doing the lion’s share of the housework since he knows I hate it so much! He’s very supportive of anything I ever want to do, like digi-scrapping! I really couldn’t ask for a better guy as my husband. He’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I love you, Karl!
So that's it........we'll be celebrating Karl's birthday tomorrow night......have a great week everybody!
I love the Karl page! So sweet! :)
yes, you are right about digi-scrapping! (though i've fallen behind lately....) and i love the karl page, too. that is so sweet! that page should have earned you a few extra days of house cleaning! :)
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