Sunday, February 7, 2010

Waitin' for the storm.....

Ah, no more trip reports (for a few months anyways!), so it's just back to blogging about my regularly UN-scheduled life. yeah, i know...YAWN!

Oh, big accomplishment...DUH! I ran a 5k. Well, "RUN" is a pretty loose term in this respect. I didn't WALK it, that's for sure, but it was probably the slowest jog on human record. :D or darned close. But that's okay. it was my first time running that far, and I'm pretty proud of myself for even DOING it. The time doesn't matter to me at this point.....I'll get faster.....eventually....I hope! But for anybody that's lost a lot of weight like I have, being able to achieve something like that that you knew would NEVER have been possible BEFORE you lost all that's a big deal. a HUGE deal really. I couldn't even tell you how long it took me to run all those laps around the track. To me, the only thing that mattered was that I kept going......I didn't stop....I didn't give up....I made it. WOOHOO!

so anyways, this week has been more of the for the kids, homework.....WORK for us...blah blah blah. On Tuesday, I learned that Vicodin is not my friend. Or at least not that day it wasn't. I've taken it before, for EXTREMELY bad headaches, etc......and that's why I took it on Tuesday....for the combination of a bad sinus headache and a body that was screaming at me for making it run 3.1 miles the night before (I'm thinking the only part of me that didn't hurt that 'morning after' were my elbows and my eyelids). And that one little pill made me so pathetically sick it wasn't even funny. My world was spinning for several hours! Yeah, I wouldn't last too long as a drug addict, would I? :P I had Karl drop me off at home before we even picked up the kids after work so I could lay down. And I fell asleep....when I woke up, I'd discovered that he'd cancelled his class that night because I was so 'out of it' he didn't think I could handle (or SHOULD handle) the kids. So I took it easy and eventually felt better. Vicodin is not for sissies! :P

That was probably the most exciting thing that happened the whole week, it's been that uneventful around here.

So yeah, that was a pretty lame update about us, but we haven't really done much this week. While I"m running, Karl takes the kids into the pool at the rec center. Alaina and Matthew are both getting better at jumping off the diving boards....Alaina swims actual laps.....they're both getting decent at actually DIVING into the water....and then Zach has progressed leaps and little "TERRIFIED of the water" child was floating today on his back.....WOW! that was a HUGE deal!

And I really haven't even scrapped that much this week.....I was doing a lot of reading.....trying to work my way through some of the old classic books (that are free out on the internet and I can download to my e-reader), so I finished one of those...and read a couple trashy romance novels for fun. So I really haven't been in a scrapping mood this week.

So first off, Haynay's newest release: Chronicling Life Photo Clusters
I scrapped this one of Karl and his former students, Andrew and David, who are cadets at the Naval Academy:

And with Sya's new release: double trouble set 2 I scrapped last week's Pinewood Derby:

2 more layouts I've done......"the snake".......that Matthew found outside Le Cellier at Epcot on our March trip....of course he has to pull the tail...hopefully it wasn't poisonous....Karl's convinced it was.....I dunno.....

And this was one of the cutest moments of our the princess breakfast, all of the princesses gave Zach lots of kisses and left him covered in was the sweetest thing....and he thoroughly enjoyed it....the little cassanova that he is and all!

So that's it for me for now....we're off to my brother's house to consume mass quantities of junk food and probably not watch much of the Super Bowl! But Go Colts! (I don't really care, but since a beloved co-worker is a die-hard Colts fan, I'll root for them)

Have a great week everybody!!

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