Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 3

Day 3. I'd really like to skip this one in all honesty. :P

Today I'm supposed to talk about my first love. bah.

Do I REALLY have to talk about this one? Uhm. Okay then. If I must.
Ya know what? I’m not even going to glorify the guy by mentioning his name in public! I met what's-his-name my senior year of high school. Our first date was a blind date set up by my best friend and his best friend who were dating at the time. We dated all through my senior year……he was my date to my senior prom……we dated through my first year of college and broke up the following summer. I was definitely in love with the guy, but he wasn’t right for me….I just didn’t see it at the time. Oh yeah, and he cheated on me, hence the break-up instead of the engagement ring most people were expecting. That was kind of a deal-breaker for me! But everybody needs their first love experience…..young, naive, and foolish love. I don’t have any regrets (except that I didn’t break up with him sooner! Lol). That relationship taught me a lot about myself and a lot about what I wanted (and didn’t want!) from a future spouse. Five months after we broke up, I met my husband, who is NOTHING like what's-his-name, thankfully. And the rest is history.

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